Prospettiva Danza Teatro 2021 – XXIII edition C’È BELLEZZA IN OGNI COSA
Lucrezia Maimone/Zerogrammi | Simposio del Silenzio
Sunday 12th September 2021 h 5.30 pm Piccolo Teatro Don Bosco, Via Asolo, 2, 35142 Padova PD
with Lucrezia Maimone e Damien Camunez
magical effects Jonathan Giard
Winning project of the CollaborAction Kids XL # 1 2018 action of the Anticorpi Network
Youth is over, fantasy is fading, dreams are moving away and become memories that mingle with reality. In the complex journey that takes us from the first years of life to adulthood, adolescence is the transitory place of restlessness and transformations. Simposio del Silenzio tells the space in which the wishes coming with childish charm from the carefree childhood are projected to the future, dialoguing (and often clashing) with reality. Large enigmatic books populate the scene building controversial fantasies, telling our anxieties and hopes, showing us the fears that reside in our hearts. A tale of dance, clowning and theater conceived and built as a fairytale journey into the dark world of the unconscious, necessary to understand who we are, whose geographies are inspired by the illustrated works of Lorenzo Mattotti.
4.30 pm box office opening
5.30 pm it’s show time!
€ 10 online at no additional cost
At ticket office:
€ 12 single ticket
€ 10 for students with Studiare a Padova Card, Coop Alleanza 3.0 partners, holders of Banca Etica debit or credit card
cell. 334 2042331