Prospettiva Danza Teatro 2022 – XXIV edition EQUILIBRI
Compagnia Ottavo Giorno | Portami con te e Sei personaggi più uno, in cerca d’amore
Wednesday 4th May 2022 h. 20.30 Palazzo della Ragione, Piazza delle Erbe, 35100 Padova
with Laura Biasioli, Andrea Cappelletto, Federico De Lazzari, Stefania Limena, Anna Ruzza, Ilaria Specchia, Stefania Trentin
music by Giorgio Gobbo
ideation and artistic direction of Marina Giacometti
in assistance and coordination Anna Ruzza
Portami con te is the final performance, outcome of the annual path of dance inclusive danceability method. In an imaginary space, sometimes difficult to cross, the dancers move in search of their own home. In doing so, the bodies meet, intertwine and support each other in a collective journey that wants to convey a message of solidarity and peace.
Sei personaggi, very different from each other, burst onto the stage with the urgency of telling passions, conflicts and dreams that emerge from their lives. To welcome them there is an unlikely Capocomico who would like to move the threads of their stories to make them more “representative”. Can you do that without getting involved? The work freely takes inspiration from the drama of Pirandello and proposes, ignoring the original plot, an intimate reading. Each performer acts on the scene with a recurring gesture that identifies him, as if to want to impose on others his own
personal drama.
Program of the evening
19.30 opening ticket office
20.30 beginning of the performance
CARNET 8 (admission for all 8 days of the show) € 64 with reserved seat
online € 10
At the ticket office: full € 12 – reduced € 10
Reduction for students with Studiare a Padova card, Coop Alleanza 3.0 members, debit or credit card holders Banca Etica
Access to the spaces will take place according to the COVID 19 anti-contagion protocol in force on the date of the shows.
The program may be subject to variations.
cell. 337 1332298