Prospettiva Danza Teatro 2019 – XXI edition
Compagnia Ottavo Giorno – Fragile, danzare con cura
Sunday 14 April 2019 / 19.00
Agorà, Centro Culturale Altinate San Gaetano, Via Altinate, 71, 35121 Padova PD
Compagnia Ottavo Giorno
DanceAbility® labs 2018 -19
artistic direction Marina Giacometti
organization Anna Ruzza
live music Collettivo musicale Tetto di Nembi
Twenty-two dancers on stage: different ages, experiences of life, abilities. They dance together. While they are dancing we find new ways to look to our fragilities, vulnerabilities, but we even understand that sometimes they can help us to connect each other. What if they become a means of communication? A new ability is borning from the ashes of disability: listening. So fragility becomes sensibility, vulnerability becomes being supported by the others. “Fragile” means dancing thanks and with the other.
19.00 pm the show begins
free entry
Centro Culturale Altinate San Gaetano
Via Altinate, 71
35121 Padova PD